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Tag: DMX-512

DMX-512 for beginners

DMX-512 for beginners

DMX-512 (Digital Multiplex) is a standard for digital communication networks that are commonly used to control lighting gear such as LED fixtures, dimmer packs, lamp remote heads and more – the DMX receivers, A single DMX network (aka “DMX universe”) can control up to 512 channels. Most likely a lighting console is used to control the DMX channels along with its parameter 0 -100% level for each channel. With a lighting console this parameter is typically varied by a fader. A single channel parameter has a resolution…

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LED fixture modes: lamp modes for different applications

LED fixture modes: lamp modes for different applications

LED fixtures might have different operation modes sometimes also called “scenario”. See example Skypanel DMX map Don´t be scared. Here we explain the “modes” of LED fixtures. The reason why manufacturers provide different operation modes Every mode provides certain fixture features. Each channel stands for a single function of an LED fixture. E.g. first DMX channel for dim control, second channel for color temperature, third channel for green/magenta correction, … in the DMX-512 network. The pattern of used DMX channels…

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